Thursday, May 24, 2012

Off to Summer Camp

Stephanie is off to Summer Camp.  We will get no posts from her for a short while.  But I asked her to tell me about this Summer Camp music festival.  She invited me along but I'm too boring, hate camping and have too much going down with the kid's last days of school.  I do miss going to Dead shows with Steph but I was never the music festival lover.  The Dead shows were different.  (at least to me)  Stephanie loves them and I'm glad she gets to go to this one.  Here's what she had to say about the whole thing...

I'm off to Summer Camp 2012 ( tomorrow with Greg and Chloe.  I'm very excited.  We haven't been to a big multi-day festival since Bonaroo 2009. At Summer Camp, you have to park your car at the festival entrance and then haul all of your camping stuff to your site.  It's cool because the scene inside is more magical without all of the cars, but it's a lot more work to get setup, and you have to travel REAL light. We learned our lesson the first time we went.
There was a tornado warning. Everyone had to packup all of their stuff in five minutes and rush everything to their cars.  There were 50 mph winds and hail. We brought Chloe (she was 9 months old). I was rolling her stroller through mud puddles with our sleeping bags hanging off of my neck and a duffle bag sitting on the stroller canopy over her head. Greg was carrying everything else.
We got special treatment since we had Chloe and got to hang out with the bands in the "safe" structure (the only structure), before the parking lot to wait until Greg got the car packed up. They gave us hot chocolate. I like being a girl.
The main bands we are going to see this weekend are: Bob Weir's acoustic trio, moe., Umphry's, Primus, Jane's Addiction, Keller Williams, ...
Brian Markovitz from asked me to take a few pictures and write a couple of blurbs about the weekend. He tried to hook up a press pass, but I think it was too late to make it happen. I'll still try to get an interview if possible, and I definitely want to find a way to get a copy of the book to Bobby.
I want to use my phone to tweet cool stuff here and there, but I don't think they will have charging stations, and I don't know if I will even have wi-fi reception there - I'll try, if not - I'll dump it all when I get back.  I wish you were going too!

Thanks Steph!  When Stephanie returns she has promised a full review of the festival.  I look forward to hearing all about it.  Even if I am too lame to go.  :)

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